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Adjustment of Undergraduate Courses in the 2017–2018

A Detailed Account on the Adjustment of Undergraduate Courses in the 2017–2018 Academic Year


Curriculum structure of the undergraduate program

Courses of our undergraduate program were approved through institutional, college-level, and program-level reviews in May 2017. The newly established curriculum structure applies to students admitted in the 2017-2018 academic year and after; some courses also apply to those admitted beforehand. Specifically, existing students before the 2017-2018 academic year must participate in compulsory courses according to the requirements announced by the university in the year of admission.


Where the curriculum structure is NOT applicable to students admitted prior to the 2017-2018 academic year 

1. Regulations on required courses: Changes in required courses apply only to students admitted in and after the 2017-2018 academic year. Students admitted beforehand shall take courses in accordance with the list of compulsory courses issued in their year of admission.

In the new curriculum structure, Introduction to Earth Science, General Chemistry Laboratory, and General Physics Laboratory have been removed from the list of required courses. This change is applicable only to students admitted in and after the 2017–2018 academic year. Those admitted beforehand must take courses from the required course list proposed in their year of admission. Those who have yet to complete required courses can use the query below to find out the exact requirement:


2. Regulations on the professional elective courses requested by the department: Please refer to Notes 2, 4, and 5 of the curriculum structure.


Where the curriculum structure is applicable to students admitted prior to the 2017-2018 academic year 

1. Recognition of professional elective courses by the department: Numerous courses formerly associated with a single category are now associated with two or more of the four categories of physical oceanography, marine chemistry, marine geology, and marine biology. If, prior to this announcement, a student has completed any of these courses, the completed course accounts for the corresponding categories studied by the student during the graduation qualification review.

Review of credits for graduation qualification

The required number of 30 elective credits in four professional categories (i.e., physical oceanography, marine chemistry, marine geology, and marine biology) has remained unchanged (at least 15 credits in two disciplines or 10 credits in three disciplines).

2. Recognition of elective courses provided by other departments: Credits earned from relevant courses offered by other departments, specified in Note 3 under the curriculum structure, can now be recognized as professional elective course credits needed for graduation. This change also applies to students admitted before the 2017-2018 academic year.


Adjustment of required courses

Because several required courses have been removed from the new curriculum structure, the department proposes the following complementary measures to protect students’ rights:


1. General Chemistry Laboratory (I) and (II) have been removed from the curriculum structure. Existing and transfer students who have yet to complete these courses are allowed to take courses with the same title and credit number offered by other departments. Alternatively, these students can enroll in Marine Chemistry Laboratory (I) and (II) for credit exemption.

2. Introduction to Earth Science (three credits) has been removed from the curriculum structure. Existing and transfer students who have yet to complete this course are advised to take the General Geology and General Geology Laboratory, a three-credit course added to the spring semester, and to subsequently apply for credit exemption.

3. Introduction to Marine Geology (two credits) has been removed from the curriculum structure. Existing and transfer students who have yet to complete this course are recommended to take Ocean System Science (II) or General Geology, both being two-credit courses added to the spring semester, and to subsequently apply for credit exemption.